
God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ

We at Saint Matthew’s take our baptismal covenant seriously - we firmly believe in the importance of this sacrament in the lives of families and individuals.

We offer this sacrament to our current congregation members and their immediate family. What does that mean for you? It means that, if you have been attending Saint Matthew’s Episcopal Church regularly for at least four months and are actively involved in giving of your time, talent and treasure, then you or your family member would be eligible for baptism at Saint Matthew’s.

The intent of this policy is to keep and uphold the sanctity of the promises made by our congregation during the liturgy, which asks the entire congregation to make solemn promises to the newly baptized and their family to uphold and sustain them on their Christian journey.

Saint Matthew's offers Baptism at least five times a year. Traditionally these are the Feast of the Holy Name, the Easter Vigil, the Day of Pentecost, All Saints Day and often the Feast of Saint Matthew.

We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Those looking to receive a mature commitment to Christ may be interested in our youth or adult confirmation class.

More information on Baptism in the Episcopal church may be found on page 858 in the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer.


Baptism Inquiry

Please reach out if you have questions regarding Baptism at Saint Matthew’s. A registration form must be filled out by all Baptismal candidates or their parent or guardian.