Music Ministries

All parishioners are invited to offer their musical gifts to the glory of God. We invite newcomers with musical experience to participate in our ensembles or as soloists. Our services are designed for active congregational singing. Our 9:00 service is led by our traditional choir with organist/pianist, flautists, our handbell choir, and other classical instrumentalists. Our 11:00 service is led by our contemporary band, composed of singers, guitarists, keyboardists, and drummers.


Musical Offerings


State of Grace

State of Grace Band leads a contemporary array of music at the 11:00 AM service. Musical instruments currently include piano, guitar, bass and drums and are sometimes accompanied by others. The vocalists lead the congregation so that all can join in the praise and worship.

We meet every Monday at 6:00 PM.

Adult Choir

Our adult choir leads spirit-filled congregational singing at the 9:00 AM service and sings a wide variety of choral anthems, ranging from Renaissance polyphony, music from the Sacred Harp tradition and spirituals, to contemporary sacred choral works. In addition to Sundays, the choir sings at festive services throughout the church year including Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve and Holy Week. Choir rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 6:45-8:30 PM August-May, and year-round on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM.

Handbell choir

Our handbell choir provides inspirational music at the 9:00 AM service and other festive services year-round. The goal of the handbell choir is to give glory to God and provide a worshipful experience for parishioners. Experience reading music is helpful. We have 4 octaves of Malmark handbells, and 3 octaves of Malmark choirchimes. The work of the handbell choir is a team effort; rehearsals are selected Saturdays at 2 PM.


Permission to podcast / stream the music is obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-730846. All rights reserved. CCLI streaming license number: 20518164


Pipe organ

In January 2020, a dream for our community became a reality. After decades of dreaming and four years of planning, our pipe organ was installed. Our instrument is a 26-rank Reuter/Milnar with about 1,500 pipes. It began life in the chapel of George Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee.  In 1981 it was reconditioned and enlarged for installation at the Turner Concert Hall of the Blair School of Music, which had become a part of Vanderbilt University following its merger with Peabody.  In 2014 a new organ was installed at the concert hall, and the Reuter was retired to climate-controlled storage at the Milnar Organ Company.  As the first pipe organ in Chandler, it is an asset to our congregation in worship services, and the wider East Valley community as an instrument for use in recitals and concerts.


Children’s Music Ministry


Youth Ringers

Youth Ringers is an exciting musical ensemble held during the spring for children and youth grades 3rd through 8th! Ringers have the opportunity to experience this fun, team-oriented musical tradition, play at Saint Matthew's church services and learn note and rhythm-reading. They practice twice a month, at 11:00 AM, in our Parish Hall.


Youth Choir

Our music director, Mrs. Rachel, leads our youth choir in the fall, teaching vocal technique and inspiring children grades 1st-8th through song. Age- appropriate songs of praise are practiced together along with music reading. Singers will share their music with the congregation during the 9:00 and 11:00 services on selected Sundays in the fall.

Get involved

If you’d like to be involved with our music program, don’t hesitate! Reach out and we’ll see you at rehearsal soon.


Rachel Salemi

will be in contact with you