Online Worship

Bringing the word of God out of the church and into your living room

an unparalleled Online Worship experience

Our online service is a livestream of our traditional service and available on YouTube every Sunday at 9:00. It can be viewed anytime after that at your convenience.

We provide a distinctive online service that is poised for continuous growth in the years ahead. Since March 2020, our online service has experienced consistent expansion. Together, we have adeptly navigated evolving safety standards while endeavoring to craft a captivating and meaningful worship experience, bringing joy to your living room.

Our online service features a livestream of our 9:00 traditional service. In deference to parishioners attending in person, we limit views of our congregation.

During the reception of communion, we refrain from showing the altar. Communion is viewed as a sacrament rather than an audience event. It is a private moment of prayer, and we are committed to ensuring our parishioners do not feel uneasy approaching the altar for communion in the presence of a video camera. Local parishioners watching from home are encouraged to request communion delivery by one of our Lay Eucharistic Visitors.

We are committed to offer this service for years to come and welcome you into this unique community. View Our latest service from youtube:

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Contact Natalie to find out about the countless ways you can become more involved virtually at Saint Matthew’s.